An abusive guardianship is a lawyer's dream, a feast so enormous it will feed the lawyers for years and years.
The Bank has a lawyer, naturally, and the "protected person" has to pay the Bank AND the Bank's lawyers (who are, in reality, working to protect the Bank, not the "protected person"). Thousands of dollars. And the Banks don't hire anybody but the largest, well known, and expensive firms. They can afford it, after all, they aren't paying the fees.
Everything has to go thru the Court and the lawyers get paid whether they win or lose. It's not in their best interest to settle differences without litigation. And the Banks also get paid for time spent in Court, so that works out nicely for them as well.
My Grandmother is forced to pay the Bank, the Bank's attorneys, AND my Uncle's attorney. It runs her about $600 an hour for a Court hearing. And, the Judge is considering a guardian ad litem ----- unbelievably, my Grandmother would get to pay that person too.
All of these people are feasting off of my Grandmother's money with no accountability whatsoever and no restraints. They are free to bill and bill. And they do that exceptionally well.
And the Court, who should be protecting my Grandmother from these vultures, instead rubberstamps everything they do.
Judges are lawyers.
I attempted to get a new Judge, so the Bank hired another lawyer to protect the current Judge. My Grandmother, who gets no protection from the Judge against the Bank, has to pay the Bank to protect the very Judge who is promoting her exploitation!
Guardianships are money-making adventures for the lawyers and the Court system.
The law specifically states over and over that guardianships are for the "benefit of the protected person".
The truth is guardianships are for the benefit of the Banks and lawyers.
These people have got to be stopped from sucking the life out of innocent and disabled people.
We have got to do something.
The Bank has a lawyer, naturally, and the "protected person" has to pay the Bank AND the Bank's lawyers (who are, in reality, working to protect the Bank, not the "protected person"). Thousands of dollars. And the Banks don't hire anybody but the largest, well known, and expensive firms. They can afford it, after all, they aren't paying the fees.
Everything has to go thru the Court and the lawyers get paid whether they win or lose. It's not in their best interest to settle differences without litigation. And the Banks also get paid for time spent in Court, so that works out nicely for them as well.
My Grandmother is forced to pay the Bank, the Bank's attorneys, AND my Uncle's attorney. It runs her about $600 an hour for a Court hearing. And, the Judge is considering a guardian ad litem ----- unbelievably, my Grandmother would get to pay that person too.
All of these people are feasting off of my Grandmother's money with no accountability whatsoever and no restraints. They are free to bill and bill. And they do that exceptionally well.
And the Court, who should be protecting my Grandmother from these vultures, instead rubberstamps everything they do.
Judges are lawyers.
I attempted to get a new Judge, so the Bank hired another lawyer to protect the current Judge. My Grandmother, who gets no protection from the Judge against the Bank, has to pay the Bank to protect the very Judge who is promoting her exploitation!
Guardianships are money-making adventures for the lawyers and the Court system.
The law specifically states over and over that guardianships are for the "benefit of the protected person".
The truth is guardianships are for the benefit of the Banks and lawyers.
These people have got to be stopped from sucking the life out of innocent and disabled people.
We have got to do something.