Judges really have it made. People automatically think Judges have high standards, exemplary moral character, are law abiding, and are highly intelligent or they couldn't be a judge. The truth is Judges are former lawyers. Never forget that.
So what do you do when you come up against a egomaniac or a Judge who mis-uses the system? The truth is there's not much you can do. And they know it. In Indiana, we have the Judicial Qualifications Committee. You can send your complaint to them and right away you know you don't have a snowball's chance because they tell you when you submit your complaint, your complaint will be reviewed for merit to see if it is worthy to be presented to the committee. Most complaints are dismissed right away with few deemed worthy of investigation or even review of the committee itself. And, they won't tell you why they've dismissed it. You must understand that up front. In other words, the system is yet another brick wall in your quest for justice. Sorry about your luck. If they decide to investigate, they'll send the Judge a copy of your complaint for his/her response. Upon receiving his/her response, they'll make their decision. And, you don't get to know what they did if anything. Thanks for calling. And the next time you have to appear in front of this same Judge, there he/she is with all the power and angry that you've even filed a complaint. Think Judges don't hold grudges? They're human beings with enormous egos and the capability of making it hard for you while making sure they do so just under the radar of the Judicial Qualifications Committee. It's obvious this system is flawed. First, it certainly isn't fair that the Judge gets the right to read and respond to your complaint and you don't even get to read his/her response nor make any comments. Once again, we have a lay person up against a seasoned professional and you know how that usually turns out. Judges have years of legal experience, they know what to say to manipulate the system to work for them. You're just trying to get some help. Again, this is because the (in)justice system has successfully turned all eyes on you and away from the Judge. You're automatically sour grapes because you got a bad decision and gee golly, Judges have to hand out undesirable decisions all the time and not everybody is going to be happy, it's certainly not their fault......yes, you're sour grapes. We need lay people on these judicial review committees. We need to break up the Secret Black Robe Society and hold Judges accountable for not following the laws they're supposed to be enforcing. We need to take away all the secrecy that works in the Judge's favor every time. Make these complaints public. Let the people decide if the complainant is sour or if it's the Judge. Give the public the knowledge they need to make the best decision when they go to the poles and vote. Withholding this information sends us to the voting booth blindfolded. But, of course, that's what the Black Robe Society wants. That's how the Society survives and protects itself. |