I am proud to be a part of the NASGA - the National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse - a courageous force of victims and their families passionately joined with determination to right the horrific "crime" of guardianship abuse and conservatorship abuse.
NASGA is not anti-guardianship; NASGA is anti-guardianship abuse. NASGA does not paint all guardians, judges, and/or attorneys with a wide brush. Not all guardians, judges, and/or attorneys are bad. At the same time, not all are good either. NASGA's focus is to fix the system so all guardianship wards are protected as the system promised them.
When I was going through guardianship horror and the litigation that goes with it, there was no place to turn to for practical advice or support, no one to even understand the ordeal I was going through.
Now there is. The movement has begun and not a minute too soon. NASGA is bringing guardianship and conservatorship out of the darkness and into the bright light of focus so the greedy guardians along with their ravenous attorneys - and the judges who turn a blind eye while rubberstamping bad guardians' every wish - are held accountable.
Guardianship / conservatorship victims are survivors. We will fight for our loved ones and we will carry the fight for justice until the battle is won.
Read more about NASGA:
Visit NASGA's website at and be part of the solution --- join the movement for reform!
NASGA has teamed up with the Catherine Falk Organization with a mutual goal to introduce and pass a human and personal right of association (visitation) bill in all states. Isolation is the #1 complaint NASGA receives from its members. Please get involved and help defeat this monster. Wrongful isolation IS elder abuse!
Read NASGA's indictment of guardianship/conservatorship as practiced today:
Protecting our Citizens From Unlawful and Abusive Guardianships and Conservatorships.
Read NASGA's second white paper specifically dealing with the growing problem of "emergency" guardianships based on fraudulent petitions or non-emergencies:
A Review of Unlawful "Emergency" Guardianships.
Read NASGA's third white paper focusing on the role unlawful and abusive guardianships/conservatorships in the current drain of Medicaid during our national economic crisis:
The Fleecing of Medicaid and the Taxpayers.
Read NASGA's fourth white paper on the subject of:
Judicially Sanctioned Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Elderly and Disabled Citizens by Non-Family Court-Appointed Fiduciaries.
Read NASGA's warning to Baby Boomers:
Boomers Beware of Guardianship Abuse! and Boomers Beware of Conservatorship Abuse!
For the latest up-to-the-minute news, visit the NASGA Blog.
Please also join and participate in the discussions on NASGA's social media pages:
and LinkedIn
NASGA is not anti-guardianship; NASGA is anti-guardianship abuse. NASGA does not paint all guardians, judges, and/or attorneys with a wide brush. Not all guardians, judges, and/or attorneys are bad. At the same time, not all are good either. NASGA's focus is to fix the system so all guardianship wards are protected as the system promised them.
When I was going through guardianship horror and the litigation that goes with it, there was no place to turn to for practical advice or support, no one to even understand the ordeal I was going through.
Now there is. The movement has begun and not a minute too soon. NASGA is bringing guardianship and conservatorship out of the darkness and into the bright light of focus so the greedy guardians along with their ravenous attorneys - and the judges who turn a blind eye while rubberstamping bad guardians' every wish - are held accountable.
Guardianship / conservatorship victims are survivors. We will fight for our loved ones and we will carry the fight for justice until the battle is won.
Read more about NASGA:
Visit NASGA's website at and be part of the solution --- join the movement for reform!
NASGA has teamed up with the Catherine Falk Organization with a mutual goal to introduce and pass a human and personal right of association (visitation) bill in all states. Isolation is the #1 complaint NASGA receives from its members. Please get involved and help defeat this monster. Wrongful isolation IS elder abuse!
Read NASGA's indictment of guardianship/conservatorship as practiced today:
Protecting our Citizens From Unlawful and Abusive Guardianships and Conservatorships.
Read NASGA's second white paper specifically dealing with the growing problem of "emergency" guardianships based on fraudulent petitions or non-emergencies:
A Review of Unlawful "Emergency" Guardianships.
Read NASGA's third white paper focusing on the role unlawful and abusive guardianships/conservatorships in the current drain of Medicaid during our national economic crisis:
The Fleecing of Medicaid and the Taxpayers.
Read NASGA's fourth white paper on the subject of:
Judicially Sanctioned Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Elderly and Disabled Citizens by Non-Family Court-Appointed Fiduciaries.
Read NASGA's warning to Baby Boomers:
Boomers Beware of Guardianship Abuse! and Boomers Beware of Conservatorship Abuse!
For the latest up-to-the-minute news, visit the NASGA Blog.
Please also join and participate in the discussions on NASGA's social media pages:
and LinkedIn