Who is supposed to be monitoring the financial guardian to make sure everything's on the up and up?
Sadly, the only entity having jurisdiction over the Bank is the Court.
The court system, at best, is overworked and overbooked. The elderly fall to the bottom of society's priority.
And, the Banks present their accountings to the Court in a manner that the Courts couldn't find the hidden mismanagement anyway.
My Grandmother's financial guardian, the Bank, paid her bills late, charged the late fees to my Grandmother, but neglected to report to the Court that they had paid the bills late. So, how does the Court know my Grandmother incurred unjust late fees as a result of the Bank's incompetence? They don't.
The Court, even if it does its job and actually audits the Accountings, can't possibly find the discrepancies so creatively hidden by the Bank. The Court is busy ignoring the "protected person's" family, pandering to the Bank and the lawyers making thousands of dollars off of a captive cash cow, and concentrating on more important issues than an elderly person's misfortune.
In my Grandmother's case, the Bank has successfully hidden over $100,000 of their incompetence and the Court didn't question nor catch it. And the Court wouldn't likely do anything about it anyway.
Unfortunately, the Court always awards the Bank its guardianship fees and approves of their accountings. The Banks know the cost to contest one of their accountings in court is equal or greater than the amount the "protected person" would gain if the Bank would lose.
So, what are we to do? Simply let them walk all over your person because it's not a financially sound decision to fight a losing battle?
Well, that's what they're counting on and unfortunately, it's working well for them.
It's a racket and our elderly and infirm are the unwilling and helpless victims.
Someone else, other than the Court system, has to hold Banks accountable if we are to protect the "protected person".
Who guards the helpless from the guardians? NOBODY!
Sadly, the only entity having jurisdiction over the Bank is the Court.
The court system, at best, is overworked and overbooked. The elderly fall to the bottom of society's priority.
And, the Banks present their accountings to the Court in a manner that the Courts couldn't find the hidden mismanagement anyway.
My Grandmother's financial guardian, the Bank, paid her bills late, charged the late fees to my Grandmother, but neglected to report to the Court that they had paid the bills late. So, how does the Court know my Grandmother incurred unjust late fees as a result of the Bank's incompetence? They don't.
The Court, even if it does its job and actually audits the Accountings, can't possibly find the discrepancies so creatively hidden by the Bank. The Court is busy ignoring the "protected person's" family, pandering to the Bank and the lawyers making thousands of dollars off of a captive cash cow, and concentrating on more important issues than an elderly person's misfortune.
In my Grandmother's case, the Bank has successfully hidden over $100,000 of their incompetence and the Court didn't question nor catch it. And the Court wouldn't likely do anything about it anyway.
Unfortunately, the Court always awards the Bank its guardianship fees and approves of their accountings. The Banks know the cost to contest one of their accountings in court is equal or greater than the amount the "protected person" would gain if the Bank would lose.
So, what are we to do? Simply let them walk all over your person because it's not a financially sound decision to fight a losing battle?
Well, that's what they're counting on and unfortunately, it's working well for them.
It's a racket and our elderly and infirm are the unwilling and helpless victims.
Someone else, other than the Court system, has to hold Banks accountable if we are to protect the "protected person".
Who guards the helpless from the guardians? NOBODY!