Keep up to date on the latest news by checking NASGA's daily blog!
Suggested viewing:
The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric -"Guardianship Costs Elderly Woman Dearly - Senate Investigation Finds Millions Allegedly Squandered or Stolen by Court-Appointed Guardians"
WNWY New York Fox 5 Investigative Reporter, Mary Garofalo's "Guardian Abuse"
WNWY New York Fox 5 Investigative Reporter, Mary Garofalo's follow up -- Part 2!
Suggested viewing:
The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric -"Guardianship Costs Elderly Woman Dearly - Senate Investigation Finds Millions Allegedly Squandered or Stolen by Court-Appointed Guardians"
WNWY New York Fox 5 Investigative Reporter, Mary Garofalo's "Guardian Abuse"
WNWY New York Fox 5 Investigative Reporter, Mary Garofalo's follow up -- Part 2!
Suggested websites:
NASGA - National Association to STOP Guardian Abuse
NASGA's Blog
The Elder Abuse Reform Now Project
Boomers Against Elder Abuse (Facebook)
NASGA'S Facebook page
The Catherine Falk Organization
Marti Oakley's The PPJ Gazette and T S Radio Network
Lori Duboys' informative site about financial guardianship abuse
Sara Harvey just wants to take her disabled husband home and care for him...
A Breach of Trust
Cook County Probate Abuse Manual
Probate Sharks
Suggested articles:
Ruth Lilly, heiress, billionaire.... and unfortunately for her, "Ward of the State"
AARP's well written story, "Stolen Lives" originally published in 2004